Monday, March 12, 2012


To quote my son, "Yes. We play tennis."


Kay said...

If not, it's a dang cool simulation!

CB said...

Ha Ha!!!! So funny!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

For a second I was thinking I was looking at Serena Williams and her twin......then I looked again.

Juli said...

Tennis, you say? I was too busy being en-captivated by the sunshine.


I am so ready for Spring.

Nuha said...

love tennis!! looks like you guys were intense at it haha


Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Hahaha! You're so awesome.

Holly said...

AWESOME!! HEY!! Where's the mini skirt?? ;p

Mimi Sue said...

Yes, where IS the mini skirt? Looks like lots of fun. Mimi