Saturday, April 14, 2012


Seriously?  Seriously.
Vintage Table Cloth. I could just KISS the homemaker who kept this so pristine.
Vintage patterns, anyone? Yes, please.
Wicker handbag with rose voile hankie. I just got dizzy.
The kit and caboodle. 

Is it any wonder Brenda and Just a Bed of Roses FREAKING. ROCKS. MY. WORLD?

I submit no.


Just a bed of roses said...

I will gather and collect till my dying day for you Princess Lisa, it's such a PLEASURE to be in your presence!

Thanks you so much, that is very kind of you.

P.S. you have quite a talent for finding what you must drag home with no hesitation!

Stef said...

Huh. Looks like you found you place.

Kay said...

Lisa, your Great-grandma Myra had a tablecloth just like the one in your second picture here.

Lisa said...

Well then, Kay, I say it IS my Great Grandma Myra's! No reason it couldn't be, right?

And Brenda, 'tis true...I have honed my treasure seeking skills so as to grab and hoard the greatest amount in the least time. It's a gift. :)

Juli said...

My vote is that the woman that owned the tablecloth never cooked a good meal in her life.

My Momma doesn't own one table cloth that isn't dotted with gravy. :)

Mimi Sue said...

Brenda always has the best stuff! Need to so see if she has anything left. Mimi

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

So beautiful.
Glad your world got rocked.

Amberlee said...

Juli I totally agree, it must have just been the pretty tablecloth. Love all of your treasures Lisa :)